So, I didn’t get the posts written that I meant to last night. Oops. Lol. I got distracted by a phone call to my mom, a separate strange phone call, then talked to my neighbor for a few minutes about the phone call before my visiting teachers showed up to take me to dinner for my birthday. That was so fun! They took me to Johnny Carino’s and we had a really good time.
I swear, I got assigned the perfect visiting teachers. They’re both really sweet and kind and funny. I really enjoy when they come over. I’d like to hang out with them more, but they both have young kids, so I don’t want to take them away from their families. Maybe a kid-friendly afternoon movie would work. I’ll have to ask them. That would be fun. Ooooh! And we could invite Becky and Alyson and Stacey! That would be way fun! I’m not sure the ages of Stacey’s kids, but I think they might be a little older, maybe early teens, so I wouldn’t be the only oddball without a kid.
But, yeah, dinner last night was a lot of fun. We all talked and laughed and had fun. I don’t think I’ve seen either of them that relaxed, so it was kinda nice.
Oh, and they made me get dessert. Lol. I rarely ever get dessert, but I’m glad I did. The chocolate cake was sooooooo good! I could eat it all right now. Lol. Good thing the leftovers are in my fridge.
One of the things they asked me last night was about birthday traditions that my family has. I think the biggest one is that we all go out to dinner for the person’s birthday and the restaurant we almost always go to is Poncho and Lefty’s, where we get fried ice cream. I called my parents after I got home and I told my dad that he had to promise to take mom and Patty to Poncho and Lefty’s on Friday and get fried ice cream for me. He said he thought that could be arranged. Lol.
So, everyone out there, in honor of my birthday on Friday, you all have to go out and get fried ice cream. It has been declared.
Posted from WordPress for Android as I gallivant about the land.
Fried ice cream, Never heard of it !
Today i learn something from you again, googling as i type ha
I ate guacamoule and chips, I don’t think that counts