Woohoo! Three days in a row! Lol
What a day! It’s amazing how fast it got so cold. I woke up this morning to memories of when I was a little kid and we didn’t have central heat and air. In the winter, mom and dad would get up early and get a fire going. Then it would alternate whether the girls got up first or the boys and we’d go get dressed in front of the fire while mom made breakfast. Craziness. Those were good times, though.
I remember when I was really little, and even not quite so little, dad and I would sit in front of the fire after I got out of the shower and he’d brush my hair. I’d usually read while he watched the news. When I was really little, he’d read to me and my brother in his big recliner. Then Chris and I got too big for that. It was fun, though. It was always nice to have me and dad time while he brushed my hair.
You know, that’s one of the things we talked about at institute last night. Not about dads brushing their daughter’s hair, but of spending time with your children and teaching them by example and time spent with them how they should grow up. We talked about how the time spent between a parent a child is a bond that never dies and that the most important learning comes from the one-on-one time spent together. Also that the more time a parent spends with a child, the more likely the child is to go to their parents with questions, concerns and problems instead of other, not so good, places. Not that there aren’t excellent places to go that aren’t parents, it’s just that parents should be good enough people that their child can go to them for help and guidance.
I’ve been very fortunate that I have the parents I have and that I was raised the way I was raised. My parents are good people and I’m very grateful for them.
I could go on, but my break is over. Back to work. Just like my parents taught me.
Posted from WordPress for Android as I gallivant about the land.
I think your future kids will be very lucky,
You would be great mom!