Well, I do have to say I’m feeling better. Not quite 100%, but definitely better than yesterday. If this cold will just hold off for one more day, it can take hold as much as it likes. I would prefer not, but if I have to be sick, then Saturday is the day is choose. The only thing I have planned for this weekend is rest and relaxation. Well, and ordering some fire wood. It’s very cold now and I want to stock up on firewood in case the power goes out at all.
Anyways, I didn’t get anything written yesterday. I was just so worn out and run down all day. My throat had started hurting on Tuesday and I kept my neck wrapped up in a scarf and used vicks all day, but that didn’t really help much. So yesterday I woke up with another site throat, a headache and my body feeling off. I used lozenges and vicks and my scarf, but by the end of the day I was just plain exhausted. My friend, Katie, and I were supposed to go to dinner before institute, but she told me to go home and rest, so I did. I napped for an hour and a half before institute and that helped quite a bit. After class, my institute teacher gave me a blessing and then I ran to Walmart to get some vicks vaposteam for my humidifier.
This morning, I slept in until about 6ish, which is what time I usually try to get to work. I think the combination of all three helped a lot. My throat only hurts a little bit right now, my head feels mostly better and I’m only a teensy bit achy.
Gosh, yesterday I could hardly think straight because my head felt so muddled and heavy. I was doing things twice and forgetting to do things. It was a mess. I’m so thankful that my head feels better today.
Tonight, all I have is an RS new sister meeting at 6:30, so after that I will probably just go to bed. I’m debating taking a nap beforehand, but I may pass so that I don’t wake up late.
As for writing, I’m sad I didn’t get anything accomplished yesterday. I kept trying to think of things, but my brain was so foggy I was having a hard time just working, so thinking about my story was too much yesterday. Today, I’m trying to remain focused so that I don’t fall even further behind in my work, so my mind won’t really be able to wander today. But we’ll see how the afternoon goes.
Laughter is best medicine, But hard to bottle it, Dam pharmacy don’t stock it!
let me think of a joke for you, , 15 mins later hmmmmm
Jacob says to his mate “Look at that flock of cows”,
his mate says “Herd of cows you idiot” !!!
Jacob says “Of course I’ve heard of cows, theres a flock of them over there!” !!!!
I know i crack myself up
I can’t believe I forgot to reply to this. This joke made me laugh really hard. It’s so corny, but it’s hilarious!