Congratulations to me! This my 250th post! Do I have anything important to say? Not really. lol. I just thought I’d share my success. haha.
I actually haven’t done much today. I woke up still feeling a little off from yesterday. It seriously took me an hour to get out of bed. I was a little nervous to go to sleep last night because I’d feel fine for a while and then I’d start feeling shaky and dizzy again and then I’d feel fine for a while. But I eventually was too tired to stay awake any longer and I just went to bed. My alarm was set for 8, but I didn’t get out of bed until just after 9. I had to rush to shower and get ready before the girls showed up to go to the movies at 9:30. We went to see Twilight today.
And just so we’re clear, just because I saw the movie and have read the books doesn’t mean I’m a Twihard fan. I actually waited until the first movie was about to come out to read the books. They’re okay, but definitely not the best things ever written. If you like reading about semi-whiny girls whose only thoughts are about how hot the guy they like is, has no life or existence outside anything that revolves around said guy and how they turn practically suicidal when the guy leaves them, then these are definitely the books for you. I really didn’t like how Bella can’t seem to exist without Edward. Girls can be perfectly fine without having a guy and girls that do have guys can be perfectly fine even if they lose said guy. (pardon the profanity in the picture. it just fit. lol)
As for which team I’m on, I like Edward in the book, but think he’s a bit of a retard in the movies. I like Jacob in the movies, but think he’s a bit of a retard in the books. To break the tie, Jacob is just plain hot, so he wins. lol.
My friend and I were actually talking about all this yesterday when I told him i was going to see the movie. When he started teasing me about being a Twihard fan, this is what I texted him: “Yes, I’ve read all the books. Once. Because everyone I knew was in love with them and I wanted to see what the hype was all about. Yes, it’s a nice story. But I have issues with the way it was written, how the female character is portrayed, that the vampires sparkle (really?!) and a few other things. So, it’s possible to like parts without liking the whole. It’s like loving the sinner and not the sin.”
When he asked me which team I was on, I told him this: “Well, Edward is just more put-together than Jacob. Jacob still has a lot of growing up to do. I love his passion, though. Edward has the same passion, just a different way of showing it. But I love how intelligent they both are and how they fight for what they want and that they are both very protective.
I also really like how they are both very confident and self-assured. Jacob doesn’t quite have the maturity that Edward does nor the self-control, so Edward sneaks by a little in the book. But in the movie, Jacob so wins. He’s way hot and I think Edward is a little too emo and cocky in the movie.”
Anyways, I did think this movie was far better than the others. The first one made me cringe, the acting was that bad. I’ll actually do a full review of the movie later, in a blog of its own.
But, yeah, after the movie I just came home and have been relaxing all day. Seriously, after the week I’ve had, I deserve a day of doing almost nothing. I did a few loads of laundry, washed some pans and dishes that won’t fit in the dishwasher, edited some movies and watched some recorded tv shows. So, it’s been a nice day. I thought about going to the store to get milk and eggs, but I don’t really need them right now, so it can wait. Might not be until Tuesday because I’m going to try donating plasma again on Monday, but we shall see. Cross your fingers for me. haha.
Anyways, just thought I’d share my uber excitement (haha) at having 250 posts. I think everyone should give me cookies to celebrate. hehe
I was looking up clip art for my blog and came across these. I just about fell off my couch laughing!.
congratulations on your 250th post….
Thank you! It’s been a fun and interesting journey.
Why do you donate plasma, I have no idea what that is , Blood?
When i first read donating plasma i thought you were given away your tv !!!! lol
Yea i,m a dork! But now i have googled it and understand it more, But i have never heard of
its before , Weird ! Congrats on 250th post
I have only seen Twilight the movie, First one, The squeals are on film channel every few night,Must check it out,
Blade would have been an interesting addition to movie ha!