Happy Birthday, Mom!

On this day in 19XX, a very unique and charming individual was born. I’m not sure who that was, but on the same day, my mother was born. haha

My mom was born in Pueblo, Colorado a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago. So long, in fact, that she has been 29 for most of my life. It’s amazing that we are now the same age and have been for almost a year. I gotta say, though, my mom doesn’t look a day over 16.

Oh, wait. I meant act.

In either case, she is always very entertaining to be around. And always very helpful. I have so many memories of my mom being helpful and making sure people are having a good time. I wish I had pictures of all the acts of service she does for people and all the times she’s gone around making sure people are taken care of. It’s a little daunting, in a way, knowing that my mother has this reputation of being the person who takes care of everyone in the neighborhood and that she’s the person to go to if you need help. She and my dad always make sure that if someone needs help with something, that it gets taken care of and done right. People in our neighborhood know that they just need to tell my mom that they are going out of town and their pets will be taken care of and their homes looked after. If my mom ever hears about someone being sick, she takes them food. Neighborhood kids know my mom will give them treats and they like to come talk to her.  Everyone loves my mom. She cares very much about the people around her and always wants to help in any way she can. She is such a great example to follow and I hope I can live up to her legacy.

I love my mom very much. She taught me so much and really prepared me for life. She and my dad did a really great job teaching me how to work hard, to do my best, not to give up, to treat people right, to help and serve others, to be honest and to love God. My mom really is a special and loving person and I’m so very glad to have her as my mom.

Happy Birthday, mom! Here’s to many more great years together and lots more fun memories!


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