Christmas Candle Scripture 23 – Leader

Proverbs 4:11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.

When we think of leaders, we usually think of queens and kings, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, governors, police officers, generals and other secular figures of authority. These are our leaders. They are the ones in charge of making policy and ensuring that laws are carried out. Along with our secular leaders we also have religious leaders. Back in the day it was Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses under the authority of Jesus Christ. Then Jesus Christ came and led His church for a time, teaching men what they needed to do to receive exaltation. After He died, His church splintered and broke apart. Many precious truths were lost or forgotten.

Over time, though, various writings were found that brought back the teachings of Christ. Various religions groups have their own version of these writings which their leaders use to instruct their followers. Christians have the Bible, Mormons have the Bible and the Book of Mormon, Jews have the Torah, Muslims have the Qur’an, Hindus have the Sruti and Buddhists have the Tipitaka.

While these books can all be quite different, they all have one thing in common: they are books of wisdom and teaching. The key is finding leaders who use these teachings to bring peace and enhance our lives instead of using them to cause chaos and destruction.

It’s really interesting how several people can look at one particular verse and each find their own meaning in it. It makes it hard to know which person is right. The thing we must remember is that if the person is using the verse to teach peace, then they are a true leader and disciple of Christ. And if we are uncertain, we can go directly to the true leader to receive a better understanding: Jesus Christ Himself. We can pray and ask for clarification and to receive wisdom from the greatest leader of all. If we have Jesus Christ as a leader in our lives, He will lead us to His leaders here in earth who can help us receive a greater wisdom and understanding which we can then use to help others. Christ has placed people here on earth to help lead us back to Him. We just need to find the true ones and hold fast to them.

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