My parents recently started their mission in Nauvoo and my mom and I thought it would be good to share her emails on here. If anyone wants to join her email lists to receive the emails personally, send me a message with your email and I’ll pass it along.
And now, my parent’s first mission update email!
Good morning from Old Nauvoo,
We hope that all is well with each of you. This is a group email so you might want to correspond or comment privately.
It has been a crazy busy three weeks since we left. It seems a lot longer than three weeks though. We spend five (5) days in the MTC (Missionary Training Center). We were able to house on campus rather than in a hotel. (Very comfy bed.) There were lots, and I mean lots, of new senior couples. They wouldn’t all fit in the group picture out front.

There were 16 senior couples coming to the mission in Nauvoo including us. One Pageant coordinator couple, 5 Sight Missionaries, and 6 FM (Facility Missionaries). Then there a lot going to other missions.

Monday we got settled in our room, had orientation, and then an evening meeting. Preach My Gospel classes started at 8:00 on Tuesday. We had lunch around 11:30 for an hour and then back to classes until 4:30ish, then dinner.
The MTC has a beautiful campus. We walked all over it with our class and by ourselves. There’s a bazillion of stairs everywhere. We were jealous of the young missionaries running up and down stairs and around. I remember those days. Eventually we just took the elevators.
Our District had four couples and two teachers, Sister Smith and Sister de La Torre. Our District became our family and we still do things together – the Davies (Pageant Coordinators), us, the Jensen’s (Site Missionaries), and the Carters (Teamsters).
The cafeteria had ALL kinds of food at each meal. We got to where we skipped breakfast and sometimes dinner. I think we gained at least 5 pounds each. It was fun watching the younger missionaries. Some were noisy and some were quiet and everything in between. One of the MTC presidency members had to ask the Polynesian Elders to tone it down. Didn’t last long though.
Tuesday there was an evening devotional with Elder Neil L. Anderson who was there in person with his wife and some of his family. It was so neat. At the end, he asked his children and grandchildren to go into the audience and greet missionaries. One young grandson, about 12 years old, went everywhere to as many people as he could. After Elder Anderson and the family left, his mother had to come back in and find him. It was so darn cute.
Wednesday was a televised Character of Christ devotional with Elder Bednar. The take away to young missionaries who whine that they can’t do it – “Get over it. It’s not about you.” Elder Bednar can be as blunt as Elder Holland. Thursday we attended the Provo Temple. They had two sessions because of the number of missionaries. Beautiful temple but more stairs.
Friday we were done with class by 3:30 so we were able to packed up to be able to leave before 7:00am on Saturday morning. We learned a lot and had so much fun. It took us 2-1/2 days to get to Nauvoo. Some rain and light snow but mostly beautiful weather.

A funny thing that happened at the MTC – I lost one of my name badges and couldn’t find it anywhere. Elder Bundy was wearing it and had worn it all day. No one noticed. Too funny.
Well, have a wonderful day, week. The next email will have the first two weeks of our mission in Nauvoo. Very exciting.
Love from the Bundy’s in Old Nauvoo.
Here are some other photos from my parents’ mission:

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