Updated 1/8/19

Hi, my name is Erin. I grew up in Southern Utah and am now living in Salem, Oregon, where I attend Oregon Institute of Technology and work as a behavioral therapist for autistic kids. I love what I do. Getting to see the improvements these kids make in becoming independent and overcoming challenges is pretty neat. It’s also fun playing with kids all day and getting paid for it. There are hard days, for sure, but the good days make up for it.
Before moving to Oregon, I spent a year living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and traveling throughout the region. I really love to travel and have another blog dedicated specifically to the sites I’ve visited. It is called Traveling Thru History.
This blog is mainly about my life and will include posts about places I’ve been, updates on school, random things about life, and an occasional review.
To help you get to know me a little bit better, here are a few quick tidbits about me:
- I’m 35 years old.
- I grew up in Southern Utah.
- I’ve lived in Alaska, Florida, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Malaysia.
- I am currently a full-time online student working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Operations Management. I’m scheduled to graduate in June 2019.
- I work part-time with autistic kids.
- Being from Utah, I get asked a lot if I am a Mormon. I am. I am a proud member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
- My favorite book is The Count of Monte Cristo and it is a dream of mine to go see the places that are mentioned in that book.
- If I could, I’d spend a month in every country on the planet.
- If I had a super power, it would teleportation so I could visit any place in the world at any moment.

Hey, Erin! Just checking out your site. I checked out your profile and saw your blog address there at the bottom. I don’t use that website so I didn’t bother putting up a picture. You can look me up on Facebook by doing a search for rtboy02@yahoo.com if you want. Send me an add invite if you want. Take care!
k, so I’m a total retard. lol. Sorry I never wrote back. Life gets a little overwhelming sometimes and the blog gets put on the back burner for a while. You can glare at me on Saturday if you like. I will do my best to look pitiful and contrite.
Malaysia! Wow, so far away your mom must be really miss you
Yeah, she does. I’ve got Google Voice, though, so we talk once or twice a week most weeks. And we email back and forth pretty regularly, so it still feels mostly like I’m in the US.
you have lived so many places! i would love to do that whether its in the states or not…one day
youve got a new fan! xo, jess
Thanks for the follow! Yeah, I’ve moved around a lot. Perks of being a military brat for part of my childhood and then being married to a military guy for a few years. It’s fun getting to know different people and how things work in different areas.