Mold Update
So, I’m still sleeping on the couch. Tonight will be two weeks since I haven’t been able to sleep in my bedroom. While it is a bit of an inconvenience Continue Reading →
So, I’m still sleeping on the couch. Tonight will be two weeks since I haven’t been able to sleep in my bedroom. While it is a bit of an inconvenience Continue Reading →
I am really trying to be patient. And understanding. And calm. But it’s really hard. I’m soooooooooooooooo irritated right now! K, so the realtor’s wife came and looked at my Continue Reading →
I figured that since I wrote about some of the struggles Troy and I have had health-wise that I should give an update on how we are progressing. I will Continue Reading →
So, several weeks ago, Troy wasn’t feeling well and went to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed him as having ‘excessive wind’ and gave him anti-wind pills. In Malaysia, this is Continue Reading →
Do you ever have a day where you just don’t want to do anything? Just laze around and do absolutely nothing? Nothing as in: facebook doesn’t seem remotely interesting, no Continue Reading →