Strange Dream
Last night I had a crazy dream. Maybe it was a nightmare? I dunno. It was about my old job. lol. Don’t get me wrong, I liked my old job. Continue Reading →
Last night I had a crazy dream. Maybe it was a nightmare? I dunno. It was about my old job. lol. Don’t get me wrong, I liked my old job. Continue Reading →
So, I’ve been talking to my friend, Niall, about this whole Malaysia adventure and how I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep my job or if I really Continue Reading →
Well, I do have to say I’m feeling better. Not quite 100%, but definitely better than yesterday. If this cold will just hold off for one more day, it can Continue Reading →
What a beautiful day it is today. It’s about 74 degrees right now and there are a few clouds in an otherwise bright blue sky. There’s a bit of a Continue Reading →
I’m finding it rather ironic that I just got out of my writing class and I have no idea what to write. lol. I have all this stuff swirling about Continue Reading →