Workout Wednesday Report 7/1
I’m really bad about eating healthy and sticking with food goals. All the unhealthy food just tastes so good! I’m really trying, though, and I’ve improved a little, but I’d Continue Reading →
I’m really bad about eating healthy and sticking with food goals. All the unhealthy food just tastes so good! I’m really trying, though, and I’ve improved a little, but I’d Continue Reading →
I’ll start this off by saying I did not do a good job these past two weeks. Not at all. Next time I won’t start a personal challenge a week Continue Reading →
I’m really bad about eating healthy and sticking with food goals. All the unhealthy food just tastes so good! I’m really trying, though, and I’ve improved a little, but I’d Continue Reading →
One of the goals I have for 2014 is to get back to working out regularly and being fit again. I’ve never been a super athlete, but I’d like to Continue Reading →