The Beginning

Well, I keep meaning to make a website so our families can keep track of us as we move around the country, so this is a good start I guess.

I might as well do an update now. Caleb and I are currently living in Newport News, VA. That will only last until the end of August. Then we are going to drive around the country for a few weeks and then move to Oklahoma at the end of September. We’re being stationed at Tinker Air Force base in Oklahoma City. Yay. lol. When I drove out to Virginia this past May (third time driving cross country in the past two years), mom and I drove through Oklahoma City and it’s not too bad. It’s not as green as Virginia, but it’s still really pretty. There are lots of little lakes/ponds, lots of trees, and even some red dirt. So, it’s a good mix of home and Virginia. I didn’t like Virginia so much when I first moved out here, but then I got a job, we got our own place (roommates suck) and we started getting into a routine and started finding things to do. So, now I love Virginia.

The first time we lived in Virginia, we lived in Virginia Beach. Well, if you want to get technical, we lived with Caleb’s roommates in Portsmouth and then moved to Virginia Beach. Wow, was I glad to get out of that icky place. The house was okay and the neighborhood was pretty-ish, but the roommates were horrid (the house was trashed all the time except for mine and Caleb’s room and no matter how many times Caleb and I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, it was always nasty) and the neighbors always complained about everything we did. Seriously, there were five people living there, is it so hard to believe that we need four cars? Ugh. So, we moved into our cute little apartment in Green Run. Our first week there, people at church told us we lived in a really big gang area. lol. Go us! But, we were in the nicer part of Green Run, so I only heard gun shots one night. I say ‘I’ because Caleb was out to sea and I was home alone. It scared the crap out of me hearing several gunshots in a row, but that was the only time. Thank goodness.

So, yeah, we had a nice place. I moved back to Utah while Caleb was deployed for 7 months and lived with my sister. I had a great job at WIC that I loved and had a great time being with my family. Caleb, on the other hand, was not so happy being stuck on a ship for 7 months. But, he got to go to some neat ports and see some cool stuff. He’s underway right now (out to sea for less than a month), but when he gets back, we’ll post pictures and he can write stories of his time out there.

Now that he’s back, we moved to Newport News. It’s about a 45 minutes drive for him to get to work every day. He gets up at 4:30ish and his ride gets here between 4:45-5:00. He’s been getting home around 12:30ish every day, so it’s nice.

Since we’re only going to be here for a few more weeks, we decided I wouldn’t get a job and that I would just unpack all the boxes from storage. Why unpack? Because the Navy is moving us and in order for them to do that and insure everything, they have to pack it all and make sure we’re not shipping unauthorized items. Like, propane, drugs, alcohol, guns, fireworks, etc. Out of their entire list, the only thing we have is propane. So, I’m not sure what we’re going to do with it. It’s for our camping stove. I guess we could get rid of it and buy more in OK. I’m just not too keen on driving cross country with propane in the trunk. If we get in an accident…..KABOOM!

So, yeah, that’s what’s going on in our lives right now. We’ve gone on a few mini-vacations since he got home. I’ll post pictures and write about it later. Caleb bought me a cute little digital video camera, so I’ll see how to post videos on here, too. Our kitty is so cute, so we have tons of videos of her.

Talk to y’all later!

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