Tuesday Rundown

Yesterday was so much fun!!!! When I got up, my mom came in my room and we just sat on the bed and talked for a few hours. It was nice to just be able to talk and have a fun conversation with my mom.

We decided to go to Lin’s partway through the day to get some stuff for dinner and while we were there, this guy walked up to us and started talking about how we were rays of sunshine and that when we walked in the whole room just lit up. It was so funny! He just kept going on about how we were two beautiful women just wandering up and down the aisles and that we were just brightening up the store just by being there. Then he walked away. It was so odd, but really funny at the same time.

After we got back from Lin’s, we ran by Dress Barn to see my sister. I found a few cute things to look at in the store while we were visiting her, so that was a plus. I tried a bunch of stuff on, but I’m really picky about my clothes, so I only got three things. They’re cute and I’m happy. lol.

After that, we went to lunch with my sister at Carl’s Jr. Two days in a row at Carl’s Jr! On Monday I went there with Lyndsay, Jason, Justin and Ryan. I don’t usually take lunch breaks on Mondays, but I wasn’t going to see my friends for a week and I wanted to spend more time with them before I left for vacation.

So, yeah, lunch was fun. It was nice to be able to sit with my mom and sister and just have a nice conversation. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to go out to eat with my family. I really miss it.

Mom and I ran by Van Huesen after lunch to see if Megan was at work, but she wasn’t there. Maybe I’ll see her on Friday when Jill and I are running around doing stuff.

Dad got home around 2:30 and we had fun just sitting on the bed talking. I was playing with my laptop and he wanted to check it out. Then we got to talking about life and how things have gone a little nutty in my life lately. It was nice to be able to talk face-to-face and get some advice on stuff. We also talked and laughed about a lot of stuff. Here are some pictures:

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Jill picked me up at 4:00 and we had so much fun! We goofed off until 2:00am. First we went to the mall and tried on dresses. lol. We used to do that in high school. We’d try on pretty dresses and take pictures. We decided when I came to visit that we were going to do all the fun things we did back in high school. Well, minus the ditching school. lol. So, yeah, we took a bunch of pictures of dresses and had tons of fun just being retarded. Here are some of the pictures we took:

It was a lot of fun! There were a bunch more pictures that we took, but most of them ended up looking retarded. lol.
Oh! Here are some pictures of me and Jill in normal clothes. lol. As soon as we saw each other, we both just started screaming and jumping up and down. lol. It was so funny! My parents just busted up laughing. Dad said he was surprised we both didn’t fall on the floor. Jill kinda threw me into the bookcase when she was hugging me. lol. It was just so good to see her! I love my Jilly Bean!

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So, yeah, Jill and I had a blast! After taking pictures at Dillard’s, we went to Claire’s and bought some cute friendship stuff. I tried taking a picture of the necklace and bracelet, but they didn’t turn out very well. lol.

When we were leaving the mall, we walked by Lee’s and saw the most gorgeous wedding dresses! I’ve always loved to go in there and look at their wedding dresses. My favorite at the store today was one that looked like something Marie Antoinette would wear. It is so gorgeous! Here are some pictures of it:

After the mall, we went to Wendy’s and got food. We took the food up on the hill over the city and just sat there and talked for a few hours. Usually we get out of the car and sit on the barricades, but it was so cold last night that we just sat in the car and talked. We talked about boys, work, marriage, boys, dating, school, boys, life, cars, boys, school, movies, boys, books, Oklahoma, boys, etc. lol. It was a lot of fun. We got tired of sitting on the hill overlooking the city and went down to the park and swung on the swings fr a few hours. I’ve got bruises on my arms from the dang bars. lol. I love swinging in the middle of the night. We had so much fun! We just laughed and talked and just had a really good time. We talked about how confusing boys are and how frustrating it will be to start dating again. Dating is fun, but at the same time it’s frustrating because guys are just so difficult. They never say what they mean and are just confusing. Seriously, if a guy likes a girl, he should just be man enough to say it instead of being all retarded.

Anyways, I’ll save that soapbox for another post. Jill and I had tons of fun at the park. We made a quick trip to Wal-Mart so I could grab some stuff and we bought some presents for my coworkers. Jusin wanted a Mormon shotglass, so I just bought all of my friends at work cute shotglasses. I’ll post pictures of them later.

When we got done there, we went to Jill’s house and sat on her bed for a while and talked some more. Mostly about guys. lol. We ended up watching Stardust after all the talking. lol. That was a way cute movie.

While we were at Wal-Mart, we were discussing how so many guys we thought were straight have come out gay. It’s pretty surprising. So, I changed my facebook status to: Every guy is gay until proven otherwise. lol. One of my coworkers texted me about two minutes after I posted that and asked if I thought he was gay. lol. It was pretty funny. We ended up texting until 2am about random things. I’ve got some awesome coworkers and I love being friends with them. They’re all so funny.

I finally got to bed a little after 2am and was exhausted, but happy at the same time because it was just such a fun day! I’m so glad I got to be here and spend time with my family and my Jill.

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