Oh, Goodness

Day one of this whole ‘Eat More’ plan is not off to the best start. I woke up feeling fine and got to work, where I started feeling a little hungry. I don’t like to eat at 6am because then I’m starving around 11, so I waited until 7:30. I wasn’t way hungry, but I decided to go ahead and eat anyways.

For breakfast I had a piece of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter, half a cup of granola and a thing of yogurt. Normally I just have either the peanut butter toast or the yogurt and granola, not both.

Well, I kinda had to force myself to finish it. Each of those items are way yummy and all, but it was just a lot of food. But, I got my calorie total up. I’m at 450 so far today. Go me!

The downside to it is that now I feel ill. It’s either because I forced too much food into my stomach when I’m not used to eating that much so early in the morning or it’s because a girl decided she wanted to spray ammonia all over the microwave right next to where I was preparing my food. I was coughing because the smell was so strong and commented about how I was really excited to have ammonia for breakfast. She laughed and said is be fine and none got on my food. So, I’m not sure if my stomach is upset because I ate too much, because ammonia got on my food, because no ammonia got in my food and I’m just being psychosomatic or any combination of the above. Either way, I really don’t feel good right now. Oy. And today is going to be a long day.

Well, the mail is here and I have to head back to the office now. Wish me luck today.

Posted from WordPress for Android as I gallivant about the land.

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