Friday! And My Thoughts on Debt

Happy Friday! It FINALLY got here. Lol. Didn’t this week just feel Sooooo long? Sheesh. One of the lady’s at work said she knew I was glad because I look exhausted. I was all, “Really? I feel fine.” Lol. For some reason, this whole ‘eating more’ thing wears me out. Oh well. It’ll all regulate after a bit.

The guy on the radio said that according to studies, the American people earned less this past month, yet spent more. Really? So, that means people are STILL living beyond their means even when jobs are being lost left and right and homes are being foreclosed on in droves? What the crap?! Don’t people learn anything anymore? I don’t understand why people are still thinking they can rack up huge amounts of debt and not worry about how or when they’ll pay it off. I really think it should be harder for people to file for bankruptcy or that when they do, it should be harder for them to get all their debt erased. Yeah, there are people out there who have tried everything they can, but still can’t make ends meet. Those are the people I’m all for helping. The people I want to shake and ask what is wrong with them are the ones who spend to keep up appearances or who spend and just plan on filing bankruptcy when the burden gets too big. Or the ones who just plain don’t call their shopping habits an addiction. Really? Have you no self control? Is it really that hard to look at your budget, see what you have left after the bills and then stick within that limit? Or why do you even have to go at all? Does a person really need a new pair of shoes every month or the newest dvd the day of comes out or those retarded decorative rims on their car? There are so many things people waste money on when they can’t afford it. If you make $50,000 a month and your bills come to $2,000 and all your credit cards are up to date or paid off, then go ahead, deck out your car with the newest sound system and shiny rims. Go buy $200 shoes, the Prada bag and get your hair done. But if you make $2000 a month and your bills come to $1900, I suggest you forego the shoes and the rims and the Prada bag and the movies.

It used to irritate me so much when I worked at WIC and these girls would come in with high lighted hair, gel nails and this huge, expensive purses. I know we’re not supposed to judge, but I really don’t think those women need to be on public assistance if they can afford to get their hair and nails done regularly.

Well, my break is over, so that will end my rant on the abuse of debt. Hope I didn’t offend anyone.

Posted from WordPress for Android as I gallivant about the land.

2 Replies to “Friday! And My Thoughts on Debt”

  1. DB

    I have a lot of leftover credit card debt from my time of unemployment (which was about a year). And I do agree with you… though it would be great to not have to pay this stuff back, I never thought of bankruptcy as an option for me. It’s my burden, now I am dealing with it. And it feels pretty good.

    • Erin

      I think it’s great that you are working to get rid of your debt. I, too, was unemployed for a while several years ago and ended up using credit cards to pay for bills (and also stuff I didn’t really need), then when I got married after that, my ex had over $14,000 in credit card debt and it took the both of us working for about two and a half years before we got it all paid off. We made a lot of sacrifices, but it was worth it to me. Especially when we got divorced a year later and I was debt free. lol. I’d only been down about $3,000 before, but any debt at all is a chain around your neck. You will feel so great when you make your last payment. It’s such a wonderful feeling to be free. Kudos to you for making that commitment and good luck with it.


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