Getting Ready for Myanmar!

Yay! We leave for Myanmar tomorrow! Our flight leaves in 7 hours, actually. We have to head out to the airport in 5 hours, which means I should be sleeping, but today has been a little nutty, so I still have stuff to do. I have a few things left to pack and I’m trying to convert some tv shows to put on my nook. I converted them earlier, but they won’t play. Well, some will and some won’t. I don’t know why. I guess we can watch the ones that won’t play on my nook on my laptop and when that battery dies, start using the nook. I also have a few on my phone, too, so we are covered as far as entertainment goes.

*sigh* I don’t want to finish packing. I want to go to sleep. Troy was packing his stuff tonight and couldn’t find some of his medication. Turns out, he used the last of it this morning. It was 9:10 and he was upset because he needs it and he said all the pharmacies would be closed. But, I did some googling and found a TON that are open until 10:00. Had to call a couple to find a pharmacy that had what he needs and then my goofy self had us go to the wrong pharmacy. Thankfully, we were able to get to the correct mall 10 minutes before it closed. Troy dropped me off at the door and I called them again because I had no clue where they were. Lucky me, they were on the completely opposite side of the mall and two floors down. Seriously, they were by the door to the exit on the other side. So, I raced over there as fast as I could in my slippery little flip-flops, dodging all these girls who were wandering aimlessly. One of my pet peeves here is that Malaysians do not look before moving, so if you don’t watch every direction at once, you will run into someone or get run into. It’s happened several times. Tonight, though, I felt like a nascar driver. I zoomed through the mall and didn’t run anyone over. Got to the pharmacy a couple of minutes before they closed and was able to get Troy’s prescription. I was so happy to have been able to get it and that everything worked out. I’d said a little prayer before leaving the apartment and it just makes me so happy that God made everything work out and be okay.

Another plus to the whole thing is that when I got back out to the car, Troy kissed me! haha. Not like he never does, but he rarely instigates it. He’s not so much into the kissy-huggy stuff. I thought he was reaching over for the bag of his meds and instead, he gave me a little kiss. It was cute. Totally made my night. lol.

Well, I guess I’ve dawdled long enough. The dryer is almost done, so I should finish my packing and get a little bit of sleep. I probably won’t blog at all while we’re gone. I always think I’ll have time to jot a quick blog out once or twice during our trips, but we’re so busy every day and so exhausted when we get back to the hotels each night that all I want is a hot shower, food and to go to bed. So, probably won’t hear from me until Sunday night or Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Oh, and my English teacher waived part of my assignment. He said I don’t have to worry about making responses to other students’ discussion comments this week since there aren’t any up. I just checked a few minutes ago and there STILL aren’t any up (aside from mine), so there’s no way I can do this assignment. He told me not to worry about it and to have a good trip. And then he said he was impressed with my dedication to my school work. Yay! Another reason why today has been awesome. haha.


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