Making Progress

I’m finally making some progress towards getting a Cambodia post up. Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon going through my pictures, figuring out which temple was which. The main ones for Angkor Wat were easy to sort, but there were several smaller temples that were right next to each other, so not even the time stamp can help me with some of them. The pictures that have a 10-15 minute gap between them help me find a start and stop point for different temples, but that isn’t always the case. I’ve made quite a bit of progress, though. Of the two days we were in Siem Reap, I’ve got about 2,000 photos and only have 122 left to separate. Of the ones I’ve already separated, only two are listed as unknown temples. Trying to be sure I have the temples named correctly has taken a bit of time, but I think I’ve done well with only having two unknowns out of the 2,000 pictures I took those two days.

Troy thinks it’s kinda pointless to try to figure out all the names of the temples right now. He says nobody who looks at the pictures is really going to care about which temple is which, they just want to see what the stuff here looks like. For me, I like to know the names of the things we’re seeing and the history behind it all. I want to know what the buildings were for and when they were built. Figuring out which temple is which while I’m editing now seems logical to me. Why go through them again trying to figure out which is which later when I’m already going through them all now?

It makes sense that Troy doesn’t see it as something super important, though. He’s into the artistic aspect of photography and likes to capture the beauty and uniqueness of what he sees. I’m into the documentation and intellectual expansion aspect of photography. I like sharing what we are seeing and also the historical background of the subject. Maybe other people aren’t as interested in it as I am, but I still like sharing it. We’ve learned and experienced some fascinating things while we’ve been here and I just want to share it all! lol

Which means I should probably get back to it. I’ve got to do dishes and make potato salad for the potluck barbecue tonight as well as other misc tidying up chores, so off I go to sort and edit for a few hours. Hopefully I’ll be to where I can post a blog about Angkor Wat tomorrow. Having sorted all the different temples into separate folders, I’ve discovered I only have 386 pictures of Angkor Wat itself instead of the almost 2,000 I thought I had. Thank goodness. It doesn’t seem so daunting a task anymore.

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