Workout Wednesday Report 6/10

I’m really bad about eating healthy and sticking with food goals. All the unhealthy food just tastes so good! I’m really trying, though, and I’ve improved a little, but I’d like to improve more. Because of that I’ve decided to do a weekly check-in to keep myself accountable on here. Cuz, really, who likes to fail publicly?

To start off with, these are my goals

Fitness Goals

  • Get body fat percentage below 20%
  • Get muscle mass above 50%
  • Get BMI to 20
  • Get weight back to 135
  • Walk at least 3.1 miles a day and work towards running 3.1 miles by October 15th
  • Walk 12,000 steps pers day

Healthy Eating Goals

  • Eat veggies with every meal
  • Eat less than 150g of carbs per day
  • Eat less than 13g of saturated fats per day
  • Keep sodium under 2,000mg per day
  • Eat only 2 sugary treat items per week

How I Did Since Last Wednesday

Most days I’ve eaten fairly well. Last night I didn’t do all that great because Troy was working and had a lovely plate of tortilla strips with cheese and salsa for dinner. The rest of the day I did great, but I kinda killed it at dinner. lol. I didn’t keep track of the rest of the week, but I haven’t eaten very much sugar and have done pretty good with carbs, so I think I’ve done well. Just have to make sure I stick with it now.

All the Numbers

Date Weight BMI Fat  Muscle  Waist Hips Leg
Start – 6/4/15 144.2 21.9 22.6% 44.8% 28.50 37.00 23.00
Today – 6/10/15 143.0  21.7 22.3%  44.5% 28.00  36.50  23.00
Goal 135.0 20.0  20.0% 50.0% 26.50 34.00 22.00
Difference 8.0 1.7 2.3%  5.5% 1.50 2.50 1.00

I’m pretty embarrassed that I got up to 144 again. I haven’t been in the 140s in years, though I think part of it is muscle. I’ve been doing weights and working different muscles by doing different exercises than I usually do, so I guess it’s not necessarily a bad thing. As long as the inches keep going down, that’s what will make me happy.

 Walk at Least 3.1 Miles A Day

GPS on my phone varies on the distance of my route. It ranges between 3.08-3.12

GPS on my phone varies on the distance of my route. It ranges between 3.08-3.12

Date Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
Distance 3.66 6.20 3.08 1.42
Time 56:22 1:31:21  –  48:16  21:57
Pace 15’25” 14’26”  –  15’41”  15’26”

I was sick on Wednesday, so I just stayed home and didn’t do anything. I felt off on Thursday, but felt better in the afternoon and ended up walking for 3.6 miles. Friday the Fitbit app on my phone freaked out during my morning walk (Friday’s pace is for my second walk), so after I wrote a blog I walked again in the afternoon.

Take note, kids, if it’s 96 degrees outside and you’re not used to pushing it in the heat, take it slow or cut back. I did my three miles walking up and down the hills as fast as I could and came home feeling like I was either going to throw up, pass out or both. So, don’t do that.

Saturday I didn’t walk, but we spent two and a half hours with Troy’s coworkers at a rock climbing gym in Portland and got a really great workout climbing the walls. It was a lot of fun.

Monday I did something to my leg walking up the steep hill behind my house and finished my walk pretty slowly. Tuesday I tried to do my walk in reverse so that I was going down the hills I normally go up (they’re steeper than the one I usually walk down), but was in a fair bit of pain after the first half mile, so I rerouted myself and came home. My brother (why just got certified as a personal trainer) said this morning that I need to take a day or two off from walking, so I’m pretty bummed about that. I’m all dressed up in my workout clothes, but my leg is hurting a bit and I know I need to let it rest.

Walk 12,000 Steps A Day

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
3,704 13,290 16,365 4,663 2,660 12,688 8,277

I was sick last Wednesday, so that’s why I didn’t walk much that day. Saturday I was in a car for several hours and then rock climbing for several more (apparently climbing up walls doesn’t count as steps?) before coming home and being exhausted all afternoon. Sundays I don’t exercise. Yesterday my leg was hurting (as noted above), so I took it easy. Unfortunately, I’ll be taking it easy again today, too.

Eat Veggies With Every Meal

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

I didn’t track this at all this past week, so I have no idea. lol. Starting today, though!

Eat Less than 150g of Carbs Per Day

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Starting today

Eat Less Than 13g of Saturated Fats Per Day

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Starting today.

Keep Sodium Under 2,000mg Per Day

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Starting today.

Eat Only 2 Sugary Treat Items Per Week

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Starting today.

Well, that’s it! I’m excited about this and I hope you are, too. What are your fitness goals?

19 Replies to “Workout Wednesday Report 6/10”

  1. Briton

    Good luck with your health goals! I always gain several pounds when I’m working out regularly so don’t be too concerned about that!

  2. Sarh S

    I’m trying to get my kiddos to eat veggies with every meal with me, not going so great with the boys. We also take long walks through the summer, the boys love riding in the stroller looking at nature.

  3. tiarasandtantrums

    I’m not the greatest eater either – I am good about staying away from sweets – except for frappe! But I do love veggies! It is the chips and dips that get me all the time

  4. sharon phillips

    Luck with reaching your goals. Yes, you have to be very careful in this heat. It will dehydrate you before you know it.

  5. Michele D

    I’ve been focusing more on eating healthier. My first step was knocking off the soda. It was hard since I drank it every day.

    • Erin Post author

      Ugh. I know! Sugar was a hard one for me to overcome, but I’ve been buying lots of grapes and those have been a lifesaver. I now go to the grapes instead of the chocolate and I can tell a difference.


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