Christmas Candle Scripture 11 – Steadfast

Daniel 6:26

Daniel 6:26 I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end.

In this world of change and inconsistency, it’s so nice to know there is one thing out there that will never change. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What He was before He will always be. Nothing else in the world is like that. Science changes as people delve deeper into physics, biology, astronomy and chemistry. The rotation of the earth changes gradually over time. Boundaries of countries change, the shoreline changes, weather changes, people change, finances change, moods change, opinions change. Nothing stays the same except God.

In thinking about this topic I started pondering how people think God has changed. How it has become an accepted idea that God no longer speaks to man and that all His counsel and teaching ended when the apostles died? Yes, there was a time when God was silent, but it wasn’t because He didn’t have anything more to say or teach. It was because the people on the earth were just too hard-hearted and not ready for it. I think it’s funny when people say there were plenty of people on the earth at that time who were ready to hear what God had to say and waited in vain for Him to speak to them. God never gave up. He spoke to and through a chosen few, but those people were reviled as heretics and crazy. Look at Joan of Arc. There are so many ‘saints’ who have similar stories. Look at how the world treated them. Heck, even the apostles were eventually all murdered. Well, all except one, from my understanding. The world just wasn’t ready so God just waited. He knew the time would come when we had been sufficiently humbled enough to listen.

It’s interesting, when you think about it. God is always there, waiting for us. He doesn’t walk away from us. He stays right where He has always been: within our reach. We are the ones that walk away from Him. We are the ones who do things that make it so we can’t enter into His presence. It’s not God that changes, it’s us.

One of the things I’ve always loved about God is that He is always there for me. No matter what. When I struggle, I can call on Him for comfort and guidance. When I make a mistake, I can go to Him and receive forgiveness. God is always waiting with open arms to receive all who will believe in Him. It makes me sad when I hear people say God doesn’t answer their prayers or listen to them when they pray. I’ve felt like that several times in my life, but there have been so many times when I KNOW God was listening and answered. Just because He doesn’t answer in the manner or time that we want, doesn’t mean He won’t ever. We need to have faith in Him and in His understanding. He will answer us when He knows the time is right and in a way that will be of most benefit to us.

Another thing I love is that God’s doctrine has never changed. The 10 Commandments are still there. The Bible is still there. The Book of Mormon is still there. These things all share the EXACT same message. God has let us know what He expects of us and what we need to do to return to Him and that has never changed. This consistency provides a lot of comfort. The world may change, but God never will. His love will never change and His desire for my happiness will never change. No matter what obstacle I come up against, it brings great comfort to know that God is up there rooting for me and ready to provide help when I ask. This has never changed and it never will.

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