Christmas Candle Scripture 20 – Wisdom

Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels

Ah, wisdom. The ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and to think clearly about things. As the saying goes ‘wisdom comes with age and experience.’ Very rarely is anyone born already filled with a wealth of wisdom about life. It usually takes having gone through a variety of experiences of having learned from the experiences of others. It is a very wise person who is able to take the experiences of others and use those to learn and grow from.

As this scripture says, wise people listen to others and learn from them. We can’t go through every experience there is to have in this life and learn from them, so we have to listen to others who have gone through those experiences and hear what they have learned as well as use our own knowledge and experience to gain additional understanding from what we have heard. This is how we gain wisdom as to things we have not experienced. 

The other half of the scripture is equally important. When we are at a crossroad in our lives or there is something we are struggling with, it is best to go to those who give good counsel. Many people will give advice and offer solutions, but the best option is to go with the most sound and wise counsel, which isn’t always the easiest solution. This will allow us to benefit from their knowledge and experience while adding to our own. How do we determine which counsel is the most wise? It is usually the one from the person who is objective and approaches situations with a desire to do that which is right. Their advice and counsel isn’t always the easiest to follow, but it usually has the best outcome in the end. 

Just as we go to the doctor for their medical counsel, an attorney for legal advice and technology wizards for technical advice, one of the best places we can go to for counsel and wisdom on the kinds of people we should be is the scriptures. The words in those books are words from God and when we need help with something, we can pray and then read the scriptures. God will lead us to the verses that will answer our questions or help us with whatever we need further understanding on.

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