Strange Dreams and Ramblings

I had some wierd dreams last night. One was that some guy kept coming into my apartment, but it wasn’t the apartment I have now. It was similar, but not the same. So, yeah, he had a key and kept coming in. I finally yelled at him and demanded to know who he was and why he kept coming in my house. You’d think I would have done that the first time. He kept coming in my house because a red truck was parked wrong outside and he wanted to move it. I told him it wasn’t mine and he gave me back my house key and left. Wierd.

Another dream was that this ghost thing was going around killing people and I was running around telling people how to hide from it. Oh, and I was doing it on a bicycle with my kitty in a cat carrier. lol. Sooo strange. I remember a part where I was at my parent’s house. I guess my dad had hurt himself and was in bed for a few days. I tried to help my mom find a place to hide inside, but couldn’t move the dresser to get to the opening to the crawl space under the house. So, I found a place out in the tool shed and had her take dad out there and they hid under a blanket.

Yes, I have strange dreams. Those are nothing compared to the one I had years and years ago about a dead lady strangling me. That dream was so horrible that I woke up crying. I had it a few times and it always freaked me out. I’m glad I haven’t had that one in a looooong time.

Other than that, life is good. I haven’t done too much between last post and this one. I unpacked a few boxes and did some organizing. It’s hard to find places to put stuff when we don’t have any bookshelves. Before we moved from our last apartment, we gave our bookshelves away. A guy at my work had just moved into an apartment and had no furniture. He was sleeping on the floor. So, we bought him some dishes and kitchen stuff and got people at work to donate unused furniture and whatnot. And we gave him our bookshelves. I mean, they were just going to go sit in storage, so we decided we’d just get new ones. I wish we’d gotten new ones before Caleb left last week. It would be easier to organize this stuff if it wasn’t all on the floor. Oh well. I’m thinking about going to Wal-Mart land today and buying some organizational stuff. What type? I have no idea. I just know that I need to get something to help me get this done. My goal is to get it all done before Caleb gets home. I don’t have a lot of time left. I may not get it done, but it’s not the end of the world. There are actually two boxes I can’t get to because I retardedly told Caleb to put the bass speaker on top of them. He and Derek were organizing the back room for me so it would be easy for me to get to all the boxes and for some dumb reason, I told him to put the speaker there. Oh well. So there will be two boxes I don’t get to. I can at least get the rest of it done.

Oh, I’ve also started scrapbooking. I know, it’s the end of the world. I’m not a way girly girl, so some people have a hard time believing that I’m a pretty domestic person. I LOVE to cook. I don’t mind cleaning, I LOVE organizing things. I just hate dusting. Don’t ask me to dust. I won’t do it. Ugh. We are sooo getting a maid to come dust once a month in Oklahoma.

So, yeah, I got a bunch of pictures of Caleb when he was little from his mom and I started putting them together for a scrapbook. Since I don’t know his age in most of the pictures, I’m starting with his school stuff. He was so cute in kindergarten! (did anyone realize that’s German for children’s garden?) I’m missing a bunch of pictures, though, so I left spots for other school year photos.

Going through the boxes in the back room, I found a bunch of my photo albums from growing up. I went through some of them. Some pictures made me sad and some made me laugh. I miss my old friends from elementary school and sixth grade. I kept some of them through the years, but the ones that got sent to different schools after sixth grade, I lost track of them. It happens. I hope I can find them some day.

I just got a call from my friend, Kirk. He used to be Caleb’s boss before he got transferred to Chicago partway through the last deployment. He and Caleb weren’t technically supposed to be friends, so he became friends with me. hehe. Gotta love loopholes. Kirk’s a good guy and a good friend. (you know I love you, Kirk) He called for Caleb, but Caleb’s not here. So, we talked for a while.

Anyways, I should get back to unpacking. I don’t really want to. I’ll probably watch some news or play a computer game. I bought Clue, Monopoly and Hoyle Card Games before Caleb left and they’re pretty fun. Derek talked me into trying WOW, so I have to play that every now and then to make it worth paying for. I’m glad it’s a monthly payment thing. I don’t play it enough to make a yearly subscription worth it. It’s fun for a while, but then it gets monotonous. Most games do. Unless you play with real people and you can mess around and have fun while playing. Then it’s not so bad. That’s why I love board games. Clue rocks! I love that game. Jill and I used to stay up all night playing. We’d give the characters wierd variations of their names along with the rooms and weapons. We had a great time. I miss playing games and goofing off with her. We had a lot of good times. Like going to the park in the middle of the night to swing and sing silly songs from when we were kids. Or drive around singing to Phantom of the Opera while picking out our dream houses. Sometimes I’d pick her up from work when she worked the midnight shift and we’d sit on the hill and take pictures and plan how we were going to live across the street from each other and our kids were going to marry each other. lol. Good times.

Well, I’m going to go before I get too nostaligic. I hope everyone is doing well and having fun!

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