2012 US Election Results

Well, another election has come and gone. I have to say, I am a bit disappointed by the results. I would be lying if I said I was happy that Obama won. But, that’s one of the great things about our country. I can express my dissatisfaction and disappointment freely. As long as I am not harming others or inciting civil unrest, I am free to express how I feel about the election.

It makes me shake my head that Obama’s supporters get all bent out of shape when someone makes a remark about not liking Obama or being disappointed that he won. True, I think people are a little silly when they say it’s the end of the world that he won, but it’s their right to express how they feel. Obama supporters spent the entire election bashing Romney and saying how he would be the end of our nation, but now they’re all about how the name-calling and bashing and discord about Obama is just adding to the division in this country. I just find it interesting that if a Romney supporter says the same of Obama or expresses disappointment that he won, they are all the sudden racist or a party hump or uninformed or repeating rhetoric. And now there are posts all over facebook about how people need to stop wallowing in self-pity and misery about Obama winning and pray for him as good Christians should. What is even more interesting is that a lot of those posts are from people who have been slamming others for supporting Romney. Or starting arguments with other people. I just think both sides need to just calm down and stop taking it so personal. Just because I say I don’t like Obama and his policies, it doesn’t mean I think people who support Obama and his policies are evil devil-worshipers. It’s just a personal preference. I don’t agree with all of Romney’s policies and plans, but I like more of his than of Obama’s. But, Obama won, so it doesn’t really matter which policies I wanted to happen. Obama won and that is where we are.

While I am disappointed that Obama won, I still hope that he will do something to improve the future of this country. I may not agree with all of his policies and his way of doing things, but he is still the leader of our country and I really do hope that he will do something positive this time around. I was not very impressed with his weak leadership style and his ‘my way or I’ll do an executive order’ tendencies. Or how he kept telling Congress that he wouldn’t sign certain bills if they didn’t include or exclude certain things. Or how he put a loophole in his awful forced medical plan that makes it so he, his family and Congress do not have to be part of it. But, maybe he has learned something from all the stalemates and lack of cooperation and difficulties getting his agenda through. Maybe he has learned that he can’t strong-arm the country to be a socialist state. Maybe he has learned to take care of the entire country instead of just the impoverished people. Maybe he has learned something about cooperation and bipartisanship. We can hope. And pray.

While I don’t have a lot of faith in Obama being a strong leader who can take us out of the disaster he has led us into, I do hope that he can have the strength to review his agenda and realize that some of the policies he’s been pushing through aren’t for the best of the entire nation.

No, I am not happy he won the election, but I do respect the process. He won the popular vote and the electoral college. The people spoke and the majority want him back in. So, he is back in.

Granted, I have my theories about people voting for Obama just because he is black (that isn’t a racist comment, I have several black friends who said they voted for him to show solidarity to their race and they didn’t know much or anything about his political policies) or because he promised free money in his stimulus programs or because he is against deporting illegal immigrants or because he is offering tuition assistance to illegal immigrants or because he says people on welfare have the right to be taken care of by the government. There are also a lot of rumors about people being offered free stuff in return for them voting for Obama and other democrats. While I have my doubts that all those rumors are true, I don’t doubt that there have been promises of that nature made, maybe not by Obama and his staff, but by Obama supporters.

But, what’s done is done and the only thing we can do now is watch and see what happens. I hope that Obama does well this term and can do what it takes to make our country strong again. He is a very charismatic individual and is a fairly good public speaker. He reads his speeches very well. It cracks me up that so many people are adamant that he speaks from the heart and doesn’t use a teleprompter. Good grief. They ALL use teleprompters. Even so, he does deliver his speeches with passion and conviction. Let us all hope that his conviction to improve and strengthen our country is genuine and that he makes good on his promises to bring us back to the forefront of economic power. Obama has the power to do great things with a great nation and he has an opportunity to prove to the world that he really can be an excellent leader. I do hope that he grasps this opportunity with all his strength and makes the most he can of it. I really do hope that he will do great things with and for our country.

I am proud to have been raised in the United States and be called an American. I love my country and all that it stands for. I am thankful that I can agree or disagree with whatever I choose and not be punished or penalized for it. America is a great country to be part of, with the good and the bad. All of us who have been born and raised in America or have had the opportunity to come to America have been greatly blessed. Let us all hope and pray that we are able to retain the freedoms and blessings that we enjoy as citizens for the years to come.

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