US Presidential Election 2012

I am soooooooooooooo happy that I can watch the election from here! I was sad about it when I first moved here because I enjoy watching the interviews and the results live. I watched the debates from the past two elections, but I wasn’t able to watch any this year. Well, I watched one, but that’s it. I’ve just had so much going on this year that I wasn’t able to put as much time into the election as I would have liked. Here in Malaysia, between living at the hotel and trying to get situated in the apartment and exploring the area, it’s slipped my mind. When watching the news here, I’ve been able to see clips of the debates, so I’m not totally out in left field.

Speaking of the election, I VOTED! My mom was really great with this. She was working with the absentee ballots for Utah and kept reminding me to register as an absentee. I’ve been registered as a Utah absentee voter since I moved out of Utah in 2006 because my ex-husband was military. I changed my address to Oklahoma before the last election, but I forgot to change it before I moved here. Thankfully, my mom kept reminding me and I got my information changed and my absentee ballot all filled out and turned in. It’s exciting. Yes, I may be voting for a republican in a predominantly republican state and some people say I’ve wasted a vote or voted pointlessly since Utah is already going republican, but it’s not about that. It’s about letting my voice be heard and doing my part. I like it. I enjoy being part of the process and getting to have a hand in who wins the election. It was super easy to just go online and update my information.

If you need to register as an absentee voter and think it’s too late because the election has already started, psh. It’s not too late. It may be for this particular election, but there are so many elections between now and the next presidential election. Go to and register as an absentee voter. It’s super easy and fast and then you will receive your absentee ballot by mail or email. Just fill it out and email or mail it back in. Sooooooooooooo easy and takes barely any time at all! If you haven’t done it yet, go do it! Let your voice be heard!

hahahaha!!! They just showed the Empire State Building and the colors on it. That is so awesome! With all the ways different places are broadcasting election information, nobody really has an excuse to not be informed about it. I think it’s great that places are broadcasting on electronic billboards and projections screens. The more people we have informed and involved, the better this system of government will run.

You know, can I just say it is very strange to be watching live election coverage and then having it cut to commercials in Bahasa Malay? lol. Sometimes I feel like I’m still in the US……………and then something, like commercials in a different language, reminds me that I’m not in Kansas anymore. haha

Anyways, for all of you who are on the fence about whether or not they should vote, GO VOTE!!!!!! Voting is so important. One vote may not seem like a lot, but combined with all the other votes, it makes a difference. If you want to see change or keep things going the way they’re going, go out and get yourself heard. Otherwise, you have no room to complain if things are not going the way you think they should be.

So, go vote and be part of the future of our great country! The power is in your hands! Yay for America!

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